Popularity of mala bead bracelets and necklaces has drastically increased over the past ten years and you can see people wearing them all around the world. Even though the trend of wearing mala beads as a jewelry may be new to the western cultures, however it is a spiritual tradition that can be dated thousands of years back.
Oct 24, 2018
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Yoga is wide-known as one of the best ways you can work on your strength and flexibility. The really good thing about yoga – is that everyone can do it. It is a misconception that yoga is just for people who meditate or for those already flexible enough to touch their toes.
Oct 10, 2018
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There are plenty of methods that can be used to practice mindfulness, but the main goal of every technique available is to achieve focused relaxation, and state of alert where you deliberately pay attention to your sensations and thoughts, without judging them.
Sep 26, 2018
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You must have heard about mindfulness a lot by now, but you might not know what it entails or how to go about applying mindfulness to your life. It is actually very simple and requires only that you focus on yourself for a few moments.
Sep 12, 2018
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In eastern traditions, studies of the seven chakras and their alignments are very important. These studies have roots in the belief that only aligned and opened chakras allow for constant and free flow of prana or life energy through them.
Aug 29, 2018
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