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Mini Meditations For Spiritual Healing

Sep 20, 2024 0 comments
Mini Meditations For Spiritual Healing

Being your healthiest and happiest self can be challenging with today’s pace of life. We are taught day in and day out that we are not enough. Every day we are pushed to do more, to look for more, to achieve more - so much so, that taking a break and simply appreciating what we have, honoring what we achieved, and enjoying this beautiful world we live in, has become a forgotten, almost unnatural concept.

And by doing so, our spirit is diminished, constantly beaten down with the hidden belief that enters with every action, feeling, and anxious thought - ‘You are not enough.’

And when your spirit and very soul are beaten down, and tamed, it’s tough to find spiritual progress. Over the years, I worked immensely on my spiritual journey to rejuvenate my spirit, and little by little, remove the chains of ‘never being good enough’.

What has helped me most was consistently doing mini meditations daily for spiritual healing. I started with taking a minute or two a day to meditate and worked my way up to simply being more aware of what I need, and doing a few mini meditations during the day that keep me centered, unfaltering, full of love, and energy to push forward.

Spiritual healing doesn’t happen in one meditation, it’s a continuous journey, it’s showing up for yourself every day, even if it’s for just a few moments. Mini meditations are a great way to do so because you don’t need anything other than 5-10 minutes, depending on your day. Here are my favorite mini-meditations for spiritual healing:

Mini meditation for healing your inner child

On my healing journey, I noticed that a lot of my emotional outbursts were somewhat similar to a child’s tantrum. A lot of what we hold and repeat, especially when it comes to our emotional patterns can be due to unresolved issues we have from childhood. That’s why I started to focus more on getting in touch with my inner child. If you are struggling with repeating emotional patterns or outbursts, I wholeheartedly recommend doing daily mini-meditations to heal your inner child.

Usually, I like to enhance my inner child meditations with a Natural Yellow Aventurine Lotus Mala. Yellow Aventurine is a well-known stone for self-acceptance, helping you come to peace with your inner self, and making peace with the different aspects of yourself, including your inner child. Here is how to do it:

  • Hold your Yellow Aventurine mala and take three deep breaths to feel its energy, with the intention of getting in touch with my inner child.
  • Visualize yourself in a meadow, and a child in the distance coming closer to you.
  • You notice that the child is you. Hold its hand and let it guide you. Spend a few moments listening and doing what your inner child wants.
  • Extra notes and guidance from my experience:

    Usually, I run a lot and laugh in the meadow, pick flowers, and simply be my child’s inner friend, but it can be anything that brings you both joy. For myself specifically, one of my child’s unmet needs was to have a real friend to spend time with, and not worry about how I’ll be perceived, so it’s only natural that my inner child wants to just play and have fun. Don’t dwell too much on the meaning of what you are doing, it took many mini meditations to finally have that a-ha moment and figure out the unmet need of my childhood. Sometimes it’s better to leave your subconscious to the work.)
  • After a few moments, hug yourself with a full heart and say goodbye.


Mini meditation for healing your spirit

If you struggle with not being enough, you are low on energy, and you can’t seem to find the motivation to do anything, your spirit might need rejuvenation. I like to do this mini-meditation daily, and I usually enhance it by wearing my Free Spirit Natural Wrap Bracelet made with Blue Chalcedony.

Blue Chalcedony is a nourishing crystal that radiates with serene energy. With it, it brings inner peace. As a natural crystal that aids self-reflection, it helps in gently removing self-doubt, and feelings of not being enough, and rejuvenates your spirit. To do the healing your spirit mini meditation:


  • Hold your Free Spirit bracelet, and take three deep breaths.
  • With each breath visualize yourself falling, and going deeper into your soul, where your unwavering spirit resides.
  • As you float weightlessly in light, serenity, and amongst clouds, you notice a sphere with your spirit inside.
  • Take a moment to observe how it looks - its color, shape, and what it’s built from.
  • Then, take 3 deep breaths, 3 seconds to breathe in, 3 seconds to hold, and 3 seconds to exhale.
  • Visualize with each breath how the sphere grows lighter, and brighter, radiating your entire soul with sunshine, joy, freedom, and love touching every cloud, and every aspect of yourself.
  • Once you feel ready, open your eyes and notice how you feel now.


Mini Meditation for Tuning to the frequency of love



A big part of everyone’s spiritual journey is learning to unconditionally love. The more love you feel, the more you give out, and the more it will heal you and bring balance and joy to every aspect of yourself.


For this mini meditation, I like to use a Natural Healing Wrap Bracelet made with Rose Quartz and Rhodonite. Rhodonite helps to open yourself up to unconditional love, while Rose Quartz helps you to share and receive that unconditional love. Here is how to do it:

  • Hold your Natural Healing Wrap Bracelet and feel its energy.
  • Take 5 deep breaths, and before every inhale focus on the thought: “I am receiving unconditional love”.
  • Hold your breath for 3 seconds with the thought: “All the unconditional love I am receiving is healing and filling me with joy”
  • As you exhale, focus on the thought: “All the joy and love I felt I am sending out to the world to heal.”

I wholeheartedly hope these mini-meditations will help you in your spiritual healing journey! Let me know in the comments which meditation helps you the most!

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